As Good as Gold – Why, Hedgehog?

“Just over the meadow, just over the hill,
Where the grass is greener and the stream runs slow,
There’s a spot that many walk past and few really know.
Here’s where puppy likes to go and explore.

He came here today,
He’s here right now.
Oh, puppy,
Watch out!

Just over the meadow, were the trees grow tall
And the shade is thick and the grass is soft,
Puppy rolls all over then he lies dead, sloshed.
This is his kingdom; he’s the King, the servant and the fool…

But something’s new in the grass today…
It pricked his nose
And his behind.

Just over the meadow and right down the hill
A puppy yelps and licks his snout; something’s amiss!
His Kingdom’s been invaded, time for attack!
The growl troops are summoned while the tail’s tugged for retreat…

Puppy tiptoes,
Takes a peek.
Sniffs carefully….
What IS that squeak?

Just over the meadow, hidden in the green, lush grass,
A creature as small as a… ball wanders about.
Not quite round, with pointy nose and… needles, no doubt!
“What is the use of those?” barks puppy from afar.

Two beady eyes
Smile at pup.
“What is the use of a tail?”
The creature asks.

Just over the meadow, right down the hill,
A puppy and a hedgehog sit together, two chums.
And chat of this and laugh at that, mostly insects and bugs,
Then they both roll around, each one on his meadow half.

For a Kingdom at war is of use to none.
Better share and make friends with your strange neighbour,
Enjoy together a snack, there are plenty about
And share the shade, lots of it to go around.”

© Patricia Furstenberg

As Good as Gold - dog poems
As Good as Gold – Why, Hedgehog? by Patricia Furstenberg

Some reviews for As Good as Gold, that Why Hedgehog is an extract from:

“A super sweet and poignant book of poetry about what a pup thinks of his world. As a cat lover I especially was tickled by his relationship to the cat. Any dog lover would adore this book. The photos were appealing. Haikus at the end were tiny diamonds.” (Kathryn Meyer Griffith, long time author)

“There is something truly magical about this wonderful collection” (Susan Day, Editor and Author).

10 Replies to “As Good as Gold – Why, Hedgehog?”

    1. Thank you, Roberta.
      Puppy behaviorism 100% 🙂 Makes you wonder what ELSE goes through their busy minds.

    1. Puppies – and small children – are just like this, isn’t it 🙂
      Thank you so much for visiting, Sheree. xx

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