Corvin Castle, Kinda Historical Doors #Im4Ro

The solitary Corvin Castle hides many secrets and legends, all guarded by historical doors. If this is your first visit, then do open Corvin Castle’s most ancient door too, and read what stories this kinda old fortress inspires.

Corvin Castle, view from the noble’s main kitchen and its arched door towards the White Tower. If you look closely you can see the stone wall at the bottom, and the later built wall above, consisting of bricks and even plaster.

Next you can admire another access door into the kitchen with more building timeline easy to notice on the wall. First stones were brought from Zlaști River nearby in 1299. Construction and repairs went on till the 17th century, with more renovations afterwards.

Next is the Corvin Castle – bolted door of its renaissance lapidarium, guarding more secrets. It was locked, believe me 😉 A lapidarium is a place where stone (Latin: lapis) monuments and fragments of archaeological interest are exhibited. Bones too, but this is a story for another time.

Corvin Castle - bolted door of lapidarium, guarding secrets
Corvin Castle – bolted door of lapidarium, guarding secrets

More historical doors opening from the outside Gothic gallery of Corvin Castle, facing the main courtyard:

Corvin Castle gothic gallery, inner court

Corvin Castle a well courtyard stone door and looking from the into the Inner Courtyard:

I will leave with one of Corvin Castle’s secret doors, one well hidden. But is it out of use?
the door to the torture tower:

Squarres Photography

Corvin Castle, Kinda Historical Doors, is a contribution to Becky’s incredible October Squares #KindaSquare blog feature.

Also for Thursday Doors Norm’s weekly feature, allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. Create post and share your link anytime between Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time). 

8 Replies to “Corvin Castle, Kinda Historical Doors #Im4Ro”

  1. It is enchanting. Fully restored on the outside and partially restored inside. I am glad they left the big kitchen as you see it here – there was at least one extra level there, with a wooden floor most probably lost in the big fire of 13 April 1854. Although that wasn’t the only time Corvin Castle burned.

    Next you visit I’ll have coffee ready 🙂
    Have a lovely day further. 🙂

  2. Not the ordinary, isn’t it? And filled with mystery 🙂
    Lovely seeing you here again, Diana.

  3. Kind thanks, Mark. This castle features in my WIP so I better know it inside and out! Plus I enjoyed the visit tremendously 🙂 Long overdue.

  4. Nice ones. No doubt there are lots of fascinating things to discover in a place so rich in history. Thanks for sharing these 🙂

  5. Indeed so. I read extensively before the visit, so I found the entire experience to be so much more enriching 🙂
    I hope to visit this place again.

    Happy to see you here, Norm. Kind thanks for the visit.

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