Brasov, where Doors Hide Surprises and Books #Im4Ro

One of the things I love about traveling to Brasov is that in the old city, at least, doors and passageways so hide marvelous surprises.

I took these pictures a few years back, so I do hope that these lovely places survived the Covid-19 global pandemic.

We strolled through the old city of Brasov where houses don’t top three stories high as they are centuries old. But today they are painted in fresh, pastel colors and their intricate, antique decorations still stand out.

Where once horse carriages and tradesmen filled the street now open air cafes and mouth-watering eateries bubble. People watching, souvenir browsing, ice-cream wishing… Yet I couldn’t help glancing through open doors left and right, at the mysterious passages they revealed.

Yes, the passages above lead to tiny pubs and more charming cafes 🙂

I paired two doors for you, as what goes up must come down. Below left, a sports shop; “if you can’t even climb these stairs, you have been warned…” sort of thing… and to the right, some stairs leading downwards to a pub. I guess the railings have been added for the patrons’ benefit 😉

Certainly a cheery passage:

Beware of the dog?

I hope you made it thus far, for although I don’t have an image of the main door of L’Etage Pub in Brasov, I do have plenty of its incredible interior.


If you are a book lover do not go beyond this point…

Bistrot L'Etage Brasov

I recognized quite a few of these books, literature by Romanian authors:

An original piece of decor below, a trumpet painted on book spines.

I do remember such old radios, and the terracotta stove decor, although it pains my heart to see lampshades made of books. Still, some tomes survived. They seem to wink at us from their shelves, read, have coffee and be merry!

Below, a close-up of the DIY lampshades made of books.

Our bill from L’Etage Brasov came in a murder mystery book – here ‘Culprit No. 1’. My parents still have this aventura, adventure book collection!

thursday doors, 100 words story

Thursday Doors is a blog feature everyone can take part in, hosted by Dan Antion over at No Facilities – where you can discover more doors from around the world.

31 Replies to “Brasov, where Doors Hide Surprises and Books #Im4Ro”

  1. You mean the books were glued on the wall???!!! Oh! Not to mention the lampshades… The idea of bringing the bill in a book is original, though. 🙂 But my fave picture is the one with the dog. ❤️ Of course! 🙂

    1. I am afraid so, Jo. Or were affixed to the wall in some other way.
      I liked the bill idea too 🙂 I wonder what would they have done should I have tried to finish that book and then only pay? 😉 But I wasn’t alone…

      I liked that fluffy dog too, very much. A cuddly little bear. He’s in my WIP 🙂

          1. 😀 Always! Anyway, that’s a cool name. The name of a dog one could trust his/her life to.

  2. I love the decor in L’Etage Pub, so quirky and eclectic.Using books to create lampshades is a really unique idea. I´d like to think they used fake books to make them but I´m affraid they are genuine books… just a shame if they actually are real books. Thank you for sharing this!!

  3. Blanca, so good to see you again 😉

    I had mixed feelings about those books too. Still, if someone donated his library but there was really no place for his books to go… although there are public libraries in Brasov, as well as schools that house their own libraries… Still, better art than ending in the recycling pile. Isn’t it?

    My pleasure 😉

    1. Hi Patricia! Yes, good point, the books are best kept there with a new use than going to waste. Hope the place is still open and I can visit one day whenever is safe to travel again.

  4. I love the passageways, Patricia. Looking down really makes me want to enter. The handrails on the pub stairs might come in handy after a late night.

    I see why you posted your warning to book lovers. It is sad to see the books used that way. I suppose it was better than putting them in the trash, but…sun any case, I love the door at the bottom of the stairs. Thanks for sharing these eith Thursday Doors.

  5. As if there is another story entirely taking place at the end of each passage 🙂

    Yes, indeed, a new lease on life. And there’s a violin stuck on that door you liked. And the door looks as if it folds.

    Glad to be part of Thursday Doors 🙂

  6. Lovely and inviting passages, Patricia, but I’m not sure about steep stairs like that down to a pub. Patrons might get down just fine but coming up after drinking, even the railing might not help!

    As a book lover, I’m a bit conflicted about using books for anything other than reading, but then again, I’ve seen or started reading plenty books that I think would serve better as art than as stories. 🙂


  7. The lampshades made from books is a great idea! The painted trumpet made me smile big! Love the mood those big doors at the entrance of the passage give to the hall. Great post, Pat:)

    1. They were a nice touch. A lot of atmosphere in that place, and I hear they have live entertainment 🙂

      Thank you so much, Junie-Jesh. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  8. Hi Pat. Some of your photos and descriptions remind me of parts of New Orleans. There were definite passageways that mysteriously opened into a beautiful courtyard restaurant or coffee shop. It remains one of my favorite cities in the U.S. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Ah, Melania, I am so happy to hear this. I have never been to the USA, but New Orleans, as I have seen it in the movies, through its past and culture, is one city I would really, really like to visit 🙂
    Can you believe it ? So glad to hear you say this.:)

  10. Little alleys that lead to pubs and shops, count me in! Thanks for treating us to this vicarious trip, Pat. 🙂

  11. Beautiful pictures, Patricia. I would also be a bit pained to see lampshades made from books. I have also been wondering what is going to be left when we come out of lockdown, and for how long.

    1. Thank you, Roberta. I do know you traveled extensively 🙂

      I imagine there will be hopes and dreams, after lockdown, sprouting after the memory of what it was.

      1. I hope so, Patricia. We have been travelling a bit locally. We went to Fugitives Drift in January and are going to Ghost Mountain in April. I am angling for Cape Town later this year too. Next year, hopefully, we can travel internationally again.

  12. The images are a beautiful kidnapping, in an earlier, maybe even more comfortable time. The idea with the lampshades is fantastic. Never seen before. I think Brasov needs to be on my next field trip. Have to look for some roots too. 😉 Michael

  13. Oh, it is a blessing of a town, Michael.
    But winters go to minus 16 degrees Celsius, yes?

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