Corvin Castle, Window Slits and Telling Rocks, 100-Word Story #Im4Ro

Hunedoara Fortress view through a gap in the wall

We return to Corvin Castle only to gaze at its window slits and telling rocks in a 100-word story.

When you ventured through an old place, have you ever thought, if only these walls could speak… Would you be prepared to listen to their tales? For receiving, upon asking, can be a dangerous game.

Listen, then. Who tells this story?

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Happy Romanian Language Day, 31st August #Im4Ro

Transylvania, Romania, Its Origin and Etymology, fir tree symbology in Romanian folklore

Happy Romanian Language Day, today 31st of August, celebrated by twenty million Romanians plus ten million Romanians living outside Romania’s borders…

Why celebrate? Even with a thought, because the language we took our first steps through forms the code that keeps our spiritual DNA together.

Why only Romanians speak a Latin language in southeast Europe? people usually ask me. Well, I wrote is a little explanation on my blog here. You can also enjoy Romanian folklore, myths and legends on my blog here and time-travel into Romania’s past or take virtual travel trips to Romania here.

Continue reading “Happy Romanian Language Day, 31st August #Im4Ro”