Dualism, a Square in Travel Photography #Im4Ro

Dualism, a Square in Travel Photography: iconic Zlatari Church on Calea Victoriei, Bucharest, reflected in the glass walls of a futuristic cube building.

In a snapshot, dualism means recognizing and understanding the opposition’s point of view. It is choosing to look and see beyond the relative conceptions of good or evil, the universal opposites. Dualism attempts to restore balance, to seek the normal in an abnormal world.

I choose to believe that dualism is inherent to the human soul. It is trough dualism that we eventually arrive to our true self. Dualism is the thread with what it was and what will be. A thread that holds the individual, the microcosm, centered in an universe seen as the macrocosm, and forever connected, centered to a primordial axis.

How can we appreciate the heat of the sun if we haven’t experienced the chill of winter? The light of dawn if we haven’t held our eyes open in the darkest of nights, seeing, but not seeing any hope? The balm of water as it brings life to a burning throat?

Dualism Square Travel Photography, Zlatari Church
Zlatari Church on Calea Victoriei, Bucharest

This is the picture my daughter took of Zlatari Church on Calea Victoriei, Bucharest, reflected in the glass walls of a modern office building across the street.

Dualism, accepting two futuristic glass buildings in the middle of an iconic area of Bucharest. A cube and a cylinder, now landmarks amidst centuries old cultural architecture. Where once used to be a park gently rolling downhill with the curves of the land, now your eyes blink against glass on metal, drawn in simple lines next to the eclecticism of the adjacent buildings and the Byzantine architecture of Zlatari Church via-a-vis.

Happy to join Becky’s Square Perspective blog feature 🙂

10 Replies to “Dualism, a Square in Travel Photography #Im4Ro”

  1. Me han encantado las fotografías y encuentro muy interesantes e inteligentes las reflexiones sobre ellas y el dualismo. Al hilo de este tema y tu publicación, he recordado un poema que tengo escrito y que toca -en cierto modo- estas cuestiones y que te dejo aquí por si te apetece echar un vistazo:


    ¡Felicitaciones por tan interesante trabajo! ¡Salud!

    1. If I were to answer, I’d say the same 🙂
      Thank you, Michael. Have a blessed weekend.

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Becky 🙂
      I do appreciate your visit and support.
      Have a lovely weekend xx

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