Echoes of a Battle, the Getae, is the next 100 words story following the historical timeline of Romania’s past. Although most of these stories focus on Transylvania, ‘Echoes of a Battle’ looks at the Getae, a Thracian tribe that occupied the left and right bancs of Danube River between 6th – 1st centuries BC.
Next to the Dacians who lived in the mountainous area of Transylvania, towards the valley of Mures river, the Getae are some of the first ancestors of the Romanians.
Their bravery and fairness was legendary.
Echoes of a Battle, the Getae
It was the chickens’ cry that covered the lost echoes of metal ringing against metal, not the widows’ and mothers’ heartache. In the aftermath of battle, the lambs’ bleating sang for the souls rushed to Zalmoxis’ kingdom, not the wake preceding the burial.
‘Prepare the feast!’ Getae King Dromihete ordered. ‘Balance after battle, Zalmoxis’ word.’
The gold plates their Thracian prisoners ate from shone under the bonfires and the gleaming stars above, more tonight. Around, the Getae’s wooden spoons kept a peaceful rhythm against wooden dishes.
Freed by daybreak, the prisoners broadcasted about a tribe worthier, wiser than any others.
© Patricia Furstenberg, 2001, All Rights Reserved.
The seed of this story
Ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the Getae that they were “the noblest as well as the most just of all the Thracian tribes”.
We also know that around 300BC Getae king Dromichaetes won a great battle against Thracian king Lysimachus (successor of Alexander the Great and ruling Thrace, Asia Minor and Macedon). The Getae held Lysimachus captive, yet in the aftermath of his victory Dromichaetes ordered a great feast. During this feast the Getae ate with the same wooden spoons and plates they always used, while the Thracian prisoners and Lysimachus received gold spoons and plates and were afterwards released.
Thus, Dromichaetes wished to prove that a rich kingdom like the one ruled by Lysimachus is in no need of a poor land like the one his people occupied.
Dromichaetes also released Lysimachus knowing that freeing an enemy king would bring them greater political advantage than killing it.
Transylvania from the Iron Age to Roman Dacia (1 100 BC – 150 AD)
Discover more 100 words stories on my blog here.
HOT NEW RELEASE: A – Z, 100-Wors Stories are inspired by Transylvania’s history, from the Paleolithic Period to WW1:

I leaned about Dromichaetes and Lysimachus back in school, of course, but I kind of forgot how wise Dromichaetes was. It feels really good knowing that he is my ancestor. 🙂
Same here, Jo 😉
High five, sis! 🙂
I forgot to tell you how moved I was by the first line of your story. I know why ”the widows’ and mothers’ heartache” wasn’t heard and I hope your novel will shed light on the Getae’s custom of not mourning the death of their loved ones. In any case, you managed a very moving short story. It’s not the first time I remark you have a way with words.
I am thrilled you picked up on it, Jo 🙂
I can understand how the Getae believed in the immortality of the soul, which explains their fierce battle skills. Still, the belief alone can’t bring much comfort nor replace the loss of a son, a father or a husband – no matter the era. I think.
Thank you so much, Jo 😉
I believe so, too. Just imagine how tough the Getae women were… to stifle their tremendous pain and celebrate the death of a loved one…
Nice post
I heard and felt the scenes of this battle, Pat. Well done!
Thrilled to hear this, Mark!
Thank you 🙂
Thinking of you… ❤️
Thank you, Jo 🙂
Thinking of you like… I hope everything is OK. And I miss your posts. But no pressure. As long as you’re healthy, everything else is less important. ❤️